LAUNCH BLOCKS: Overcoming Eliminating The 3 Bottlenecks To Successfully Launch Your Idea.

(No pictures used on this article😊!!! Just insights on removing Launch blocks!!!)

Boom!!! 💥👌You've finally cooked up a brilliant idea. This is the one!!! This will change everything. You start projecting. What will you do with all that revenue? Your mind starts to drift.....the yacht, the house, the fancy car......ooooh how exciting!!!!!!! You need to tell everyone....... "Mama...papa.....honey, I have an idea!!!!" They sigh!!! They've heard this before. It's not the first time!!!! "Why don't you focus on your.......job, school etc?" Not the answer you're looking for!!!! "You know we've got......." and there's always something in the way. Something trapping you from realizing your full potential. Something stopping you from expressing your creative side.

Then courage kicks in. The shackles of complacency are overpowered by the drive for  adventure and thrill. Then it dawns on you. Who are you? What have you achieved to be worthy of launching your idea?I hear this all the time and it's loudest from your inner voice.

Hi, my name is Lee Kariuki. Welcome to the story of every successful entrepreneur and in this FREE mini course we're going to address the 3 biggest bottlenecks  to launching your idea. You'll be able to quickly identify them and more important label them so that when they show up(not a matter of if but when) you'll have a toolbox by which will empower you to overcome these forces and get your message to the world. Fair enough?

Brief Timeline On How I Discovered The Launch Blocks.

So back in 2020, I purchased this url, after seeing a huge surge of business owners asking the same question(or variation of the same question) over and over again.

How do I launch my idea online?" or
I have a service based business, how do I launch online?" or
What if my idea fails and I realize no one wants what I have?" or
"I suffer from imposter syndrome. Who am I to be teaching others on how to do xyz?"
I've been burnt by shiny object syndrome.....Who do I trust?" or
I don't have a product or service, where do I start?"

It inspired me to see the number of people of good intent with noble aspirations be held back by obstacles that they could have easily overcome had they been armed with the right utensils. 
The game plan was simple. Package and share the experiences I have earned from consulting with hundreds of business owners in to a simple step by step system that would take as little as a weekend to implement.

Now you would think that by working with business owners everyday, launching would  come easy to me. Far from it. I struggled. On some days the imposter syndrome kicked in. on others, paralysis analysis or the perfection syndrome. 

Then in some instances I just didn't feel like. I observed all the activities that I would assign myself just to avoid doing the real work that makes all the difference.
You want to know the funny thing? I could easily see these traits in the clients I consulted with but was oblivious to the fact that I struggled with the same traits.

So It wasn't until this past Christmas break, that I decided to deeply look at core reasons why I hadn't done what I had committed to do. For two weeks I reflected on the timeline from when I decided I would embark on this mission to help consultants and coaches launch their ideas and expertise to effectively serve their audience.

2020 Domain purchased..........nothing happens.....(still need to get everything right)
2021 passes by..........STILL nothing happens externally, (internally a shift is brewing)
2022....I've helped so many business owners launch...I now have enough confidence. 

But it was it clarity that was stopping me from launching in the first place? Was it fear of failure? and what internal shift happened in 2021 that gave me the confidence and conviction to finally launch 2 years later today in 2022? How can you "skip the line" and notice these same bottlenecks so that you don't have to wait 2 years to launch....

After deep soul searching and meditation, i have realized there are 3 main categories of obstacles that every consultant, coach, business owner experiences prior to launching. Only 3. Every other obstacle stems from these 3 categories. Let's find out what they are...