Launch your business idea (this weekend).

Launch your business idea (this weekend).

"My busy professionals—consultants, corporate executives, and engineers— you're a master at your respective jobs. You excel at strategic planning, data analysis, and problem-solving. But have you ever struggled to turn your brilliant ideas into a tangible business offer?"

"Take anyone off the street, give them some business consulting lessons a few times a week where they learn to identify basic market trends, and within a month they WILL know how to analyze simple market data. Well, If that's the case, why isn't packaging ideas into a compelling business offer this easy?

Valid point. I'd say, the biggest bottleneck to launching is that a lot of time is lost on perfecting the website or product, registering the right business entity, hiring an accountant, consuming more youtube videos, everything under the sun BUT the one that matters the most. Do you have a buyer?."

There’s a lot of resistance when taking an idea to market—people think they need a perfect website, an accountant, an LLC, and a polished product. While these are all important, they overlook the most crucial element: having a real buyer. All the sales tactics in the world won’t work if you don’t know the person who identifies with the problem you’re solving.
 Here are some common methods:-

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

Spending hours, days, or months launching a website.

Benefits: You establish an online presence.
Drawbacks: It’s the wrong kind of presence if it doesn’t convert or resonate with potential buyers.

Hiring expensive web developers to build sites that often don’t convert visitors into buyers.

Benefits: You do get a presence online and a place to send visitors.
Drawbacks: A static site that doesn’t move people closer to the solution they’re seeking.

Spending a lot on advertising, believing the main issue is a lack of exposure.

Benefits: You gain visibility.
Drawbacks: Without genuine communication and resonance, you still won’t attract your true dream customers.

The Ultimate Method

The overlooked approach is to first find the buyer or at least understand the buyer’s characteristics. This lets you reverse-engineer everything: your website copy, your ad messaging—ensuring it’s a complete match with your market. You avoid wasting resources on elements that won’t resonate. This is exactly what the “Launch This Weekend” framework focuses on with rapid validation first.

Core Problem

Skill or Tool Gap

Transition to solution

The failure-rate, burn out, or plateau phase is accelerated by time delays. More time is spent building a website, paying for development, or running ads without really validating if there’s an interested buyer. Resources run out before confirming if the market wants what is being built.

The critical skill gap of understanding human psychology and behavior, then translating that into communication that resonates with the potential buyer. When one can articulate what the buyer wants, they’ll feel understood, making them far more likely to engage and purchase.

“We solve this problem by focusing on decision-making as a human interaction issue. With the right tools and clear communication, we’ll show you how to rapidly validate your idea, even before committing tons of time or money—so you can launch with confidence.”

"And if you're wondering how do you even do this?" It's simple! Rather than getting all "cortisol'ed and constipated" guessing what your buyer will buy, I created this simple framework that focuses on rapid idea validation first, ensuring you understand your buyer’s behavioral decision-making characteristics before you invest any time and resources into product development." Coz' you know what a buyer has to do before they buy? Decide!!!!

"Now every program I looked at, focused on teaching how to sell your expertise!!!! and thats fair enough. But I've had a hard time seeing something focusing on how to develop a buyer or even better, tap in to the machinery of what drives people to buy. and it ain't copy or "always be selling" voodoo wizardry and it ain't "solve a problem" alone coz last I checked garages are packed with merchandise that couldn't solve a damn thing with more deliveries on the way😄.
Nice try... but it's something a lot more subtle than that.

So here's the deal, this Saturday from 9 am PST which'll be noon if you're on the east coast, we're going to be doing a LIVE (yep like real time) implementation workshop. That'll give you enough time to grab a coffee or if you're on the east, a light lunch right before the workshop. Which means you can't party on Friday! And the reason weekends are so compelling is that most training and live events are done on weekdays where if you're unavailable, because you have to work, you have to depend on catching the replay. And replay's just ain't the same. You hope someone asks a question you have, you wonder what did the presenter mean by...........and by the time you've finished watching the replay, they've moved on.

and here's whats on the agenda:-

9:00 AM – Research Sprint

This is where we can quickly get a pulse of the market. you know like how when you go see a doctor they remove their stethoscope to get a pulse, and a thermometer to read your temp. That's exactly what we'll be doing.

10:00 AM – Offer Creation

Were going to be using the "Offer Anthem" and come up with multiple hook variations to set up our low budget validation tests. This is where the doctor comes up with a hypothesis to try and figure out what you're suffering from and orders further tests before making assumptions. For them the consequences are lawsuits or steep malpractice insurance. For us, it's building a product no one wants.

11:00 AM – Testing and Design

We create the actual low budget tests on Facebook. We design the creatives using a simple 3 step formula and we set them up. Think of it like we're setting the validation tests and continuing with life and then coming back after 48 hours to check the data. There's a set of key performance metrics we'll be paying attention to, to determine what creatives to scale and which ones to let go.

12:00 PM – Q&A

Ask away ask away ask away. While the guru's duck the questions, I'm wide open and transparent to address any questions you have.

"My busy professionals—consultants, corporate executives, and engineers— you're a master at your respective jobs. You excel at strategic planning, data analysis, and problem-solving. But have you ever struggled to turn your brilliant ideas into a tangible business offer?"

"Take anyone off the street, give them some business consulting lessons a few times a week where they learn to identify basic market trends, and within a month they WILL know how to analyze simple market data. Well, If that's the case, why isn't packaging ideas into a compelling business offer this easy?

Valid point. I'd say, the biggest bottleneck to launching is that a lot of time is lost on perfecting the website or product, registering the right business entity, hiring an accountant, consuming more youtube videos, everything under the sun BUT the one that matters the most. Do you have a buyer?."

"And if you're wondering how do you even do this?" It's simple! Rather than getting all "cortisol'ed and constipated" guessing what your buyer will buy, I created this simple framework that focuses on rapid idea validation first, ensuring you understand your buyer’s behavioral decision-making characteristics before you invest any time and resources into product development." Coz' you know what a buyer has to do before they buy? Decide!!!!

"Now every program I looked at, focused on teaching how to sell your expertise!!!! and thats fair enough. But I've had a hard time seeing something focusing on how to develop a buyer or even better tap in to the machinery of what drives people to buy. and it ain't copy or "always be selling" voodoo wizardry and it ain't "solve a problem" coz last I checked garages are packed with merchandise that couldn't solve a damn thing with more deliveries on the way😄. Nice try... but it's something a lot more subtle than that.

So here's the deal, this Saturday from 9 am PST which'll be noon if you're on the east coast, we're going to be doing a LIVE (yep like real time) implementation workshop. That'll give you enough time to grab a coffee or if you're on the east, a light lunch right before the workshop. Which means you can't party on Friday! And the reason weekends are so compelling is that most training and live events are done on weekdays where if you're unavailable, because you have to work, you have to depend on catching the replay. And replay's just ain't the same. You hope someone asks a question you have, you wonder what did the presenter mean by...........and by the time you've finished watching teh replay, they've moved on.

and here's the agenda:-

So here's the deal, this Saturday from 9 am PST which'll be noon if you're on the east coast, we're going to be doing a LIVE (yep like real time) implementation workshop. That'll give you enough time to grab a coffee or if you're on the east, a light lunch right before the workshop. Which means you can't party on Friday! And the reason weekends are so compelling is that most training and live events are done on weekdays where if you're unavailable, because you have to work, you have to depend on catching the replay. And replay's just ain't the same. You hope someone asks a question you have, you wonder what did the presenter mean by...........and by the time you've finished watching the replay, they've moved on.

9:00 AM – Research Sprint

This is where we can quickly get a pulse of the market. you know like how when you go see a doctor they remove their stethoscope to get a pulse, and a thermometer to read your temp. That's exactly what we'll be doing.

10:00 AM – Offer Creation

Were going to be using the "Offer Anthem" and come up with multiple hook variations to set up our low budget validation tests. This is where the doctor comes up with a hypothesis to try and figure out what you're suffering from and orders further tests before making assumptions. For them the consequences are lawsuits or steep malpractice insurance. For us, it's building a product no one wants.

11:00 AM – Testing and Design

We create the actual low budget tests on Facebook. We design the creatives using a simple 3 step formula and we set them up. Think of it like we're setting the validation tests and continuing with life and then coming back after 48 hours to check the data. There's a set of key performance metrics we'll be paying attention to, to determine what creatives to scale and which ones to let go.

12:00 PM – Q&A

Ask away ask away ask away. While the guru's duck the questions, I'm wide open and transparent to address any questions you have.

Get your ticket for the workshop below

For a one-time discount of $635.99 $100

Meet Your Guide.

As a business strategist, author, and coach who has spent over 12 years helping entrepreneurs and business owners turn their ideas into real, revenue-generating businesses, my gift is in removing the complexity from launching, making it simple, fast, and doable—even if you have zero experience.

Having coached over 2,000 entrepreneurs, executives, and consultants, by helping them validate and launch their first business ideas while working as a a coach with Clickfunnels. Some of the clients I worked with were even able to quit their full time jobs, generate reliable income, and build businesses that actually work.

I have authored a few books, including Buyers Brain and Launch This Weekend, which break down the science of sales and rapid business validation. If you’ve ever felt stuck overthinking your launch, Lee’s method will cut through the noise and get you moving in the right direction—fast.

My name is My name is Lee Kariuki. Pronounced, Karaoke. but with a different spelling.
I really look forward to seeing you this weekend.

Here's some BONUSES' Just for committing to the workshop.

Bonus #1: The Launch This Weekend Workbook

You know how you attend a workshop and you start taking down notes but later on you can't remember the context of how those notes tie in to the topic that was being discussed.

I've been there too and for that reason I'm attaching this workbook so that you can write down you very own "AHA" moments during the workshop and most important, you'll be able to remember the context since each space is paired with that topic.

Bonus #2: Launch This Weekend Book+ Writing Process

So this is the book that prompted the workshop. But rather than just give you the book. I'll also give you the writing process behind how I wrote the book literally in a weekend.

 The big secret, I never sat down to physically write the book. I assembled it just like IKEA furniture where you combine all the individual components and the outcome becomes the book. I'll show you the exact process of how I put this together in half the time.

Bonus #3: My Secret Playbooks

So were in the AI age. Everything AI this, AI that. However there's a lot of businesses that are probably wondering "How do I implement this in our business?"  

I literally was wondering that same thing a few weeks ago. I kew there was power but just didn't know how to leverage it. It's having a tractor that you don't how to drive but still going to till the farm with a hoe or a plow. However once you learn how to operate the tractor, now you have leverage.

That's essentially what these playbooks are. They are frameworks run efficiently by prompting you for inputs and then providing a desired outcome. Think of it like systems, that don't care whether you're "in the mood or not" They simply ask you for inputs and generate outputs. I have a playbook for ad-creation, one for sales pages, even one for blog creation. Stuff that I do repeatedly for marketing..

Here's a recap of everything You're getting!!!

Launch This Weekend Workshop............................................................$249
Launch This Weekend Workbook............................................................$27
Launch This Weekend Book....................................................................$9.99
Launch This Weekend Playbooks...........................................................$350

Total Value $635.99 

ONLY Investment Today $100

Get your ticket for the workshop below

For a one-time discount of $635.99 $100

The timer has expired!

Get your ticket for the workshop below

For a one-time discount of $249 $100

Frequently Asked Questions

What If I'm Unable To Attend?

There will be a replay so you can watch the replay, however subject to an emergency, I'd highly advise you show up LIVE so you can actively participate and get work done.

I'm A Complete Newbie? Will this help?

Yes. We will be focusing on how to do market research even if you've never done this before. or you're at the verge of changing careers. The process is the same.

What If I don't have any Ideas?

That's what everyone says in the beginning. However, I can almost guarantee you, you have a problem you've fixed for yourself before that someone would be willing and able to pay your for your solution. Let's package that. All I ask is for you to attend this workshop with an open mind.

I've tried Launching before and it failed?

Totally get it. The fact that you're reading this tells me you weren't satisfied with that failure. This is exactly the workshop for you. What's worse than failing is spending weeks, months and years building something no one wants. This is also a masterclass on timing.

Where will the Workshop Be Held?

It will be a LIVE Zoom call and the link will be provided upon purchase. I'd highly recommend you're at a quite location while joining with preferably a pen and pad to take notes with. 

I'm NOT in the U.S. What's my time?

Great question. The workshop starts at 9am PST which is 12pm EST and we'll be running until 1pm PST which is roughly 4pm EST. If you're outside the U.S. use this link to convert this time to your local time. 

Get your ticket for the workshop below

For a one-time discount of $635.99 $100

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Step1: Best Contact Info

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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.
